Dappier helps platforms like IHeartDogs ensure content discoverability & monetization across AI endpoints
AUSTIN, TEXAS, USA, July 24, 2024 — Dappier, a provider of AI-powered content discovery and monetization solutions, is excited to announce a partnership to power AI strategy for HomeLife Brands, including IHeartDogs.com and IHeartCats.com, the world’s leading online pet communities.
For the first time, data & content from pet owners and experts around the world will be made available in an AI-ready format via Dappier.com. By licensing HomeLife Brands site content as a data model via Dappier Marketplace, AI & app developers can instantly enhance their AIs with a pet-themed knowledge base, turning their AI experience into pet experts with the latest knowledge in pet care, ownership and so much more!
HomeLife Brands encompasses several leading pet community, charity, & storefront sites like IHeartDogs, IHeartCats, Cannanine & Hero Company, with over 40M+ social followers across social media channels.
Dappier takes all that content and makes it AI-ready, so that any end user can ‘talk’ to their content for better, faster results and deeper insights. By licensing their content for AI usage via Dappier Marketplace, the IHeartDogs brands can monetize their vast library of niche content & expertise from thousands of contributing ‘Heroes’ around the world: making 1000s of pieces of content – from blogs to video – available for any pet loving developer to create with!
Dappier makes it easy for digital publishers like HomeLife Brands to empower their own sites with AI-enabled sitewide search & chat. HomeLife Brands brands will now be surfaced and monetized no matter where end users are chatting, ensuring content discovery across an increasingly AI-driven Internet and supporting IHeartDogs & IHeartCats’ mission to make pets’ worlds better: having delivered over 35 million meals and hundreds of thousands of toys and blankets to animals in need!
“We’re proud to be supporting IHeartDogs & IHeartCats in their online strategy, helping them extend their brand reach as the Internet increasingly moves towards AI search & discovery,” said Dan Goikhman, CEO of Dappier. “By licensing their huge library of content, we’ll enable animal loving developers and AI builders around the world to build their own apps and experiences!”
“IHeartDogs & IHeartCats are community-driven platforms, and any platform that relies on digital content needs to be thinking about their long-term strategy when it comes to AI,” said Marshall Morris, Co-Founder & President of HomeLife Brands. “Our partnership with Dappier enables us to do just that, by ensuring our content can be monetized for AI usage, and making it easy to improve our on-site experiences for search & chat.”
To access the IHeartDogs & IHeartCats pet data models, please visit Dappier Marketplace.