
We're Serial Creators.

We have 15 years of working with publishers, emerging media and ad-tech relationships.

Dappier is more than a product.

It’s a team. It’s minds that come together with experience, wisdom and the ability to harness technology at its peak. It’s getting things done, and making things easier and happier for you. 


Dan Goikhman

CEO; Co-Founder

2x Exits & Serial entrepreneur, Strategic Partnerships, Revenue

Krish Arvapally

CTO; Co-Founder

2x Exits & Serial Tech entrepreneur, Ad tech & CTV Streaming pioneer

Akshay Arvapally

Head of Product; Co-Founder

President @ PowrTV 1x Exit & Entrepreneur

Rob Messing

Advisor, Channels & Partnerships

Rob brings a wealth of operational expertise and strategic acumen to the team

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